
Hospitals / مستشفيـات / Hôpitaux

شبكة العلوم النفسية العربية


المنتجـــــع الصحــــــــي للطــــــــب النفســــــــي

رئيـــــــــس المنتجــــــــع: أ. د. أحمــــــــــــد عكاشــــــــــة

Pr. Dr .Ahmed OKASHA

القاهــرة - مصـــر



q     رسالة رئيس المنتجع


الأستاذ الدكتور / أحمد عكاشه

يتجه المنتجع الصحي للطب النفسي إلى الحداثة في علاج الاضطرابات النفسية مع شعار العلم ، و الرعاية و الجودة مع التركيز على أن المريض النفسي يحتاج لرعاية تختلف عن المريض الجسدي، لأن النفس هي أساس جودة الحياة ، و لذا يحتاج العلاج إلى رعاية خاصة ليس فقط في العلاج النفسي و لكن في وسيلة الإقامة من مسكن ، وتغذية ، و ثقافة ، و رياضة و تأهيل اجتماعي.


q توعية بالخطوات الإيجابية للصحة النفسية


 عيادة خاصة للإرشاد النفسي للوصول إلى جودة الصحة النفسية.


q علاج و تأهيل اضطرابات الذاكرة في المسنين


عيادة خاصة لتشخيص و عمل مسح كامل للأمراض النفسية في المسنين خاصة اضطرابات الذاكرة ، مع إقامة و علاج اضطرابات الشيخوخة مثل الزهايمر و تصلب شرايين المخ.


q      علاج و إقامة لمريض الاضطرابات النفسية المزمنة


يتمركز العلاج مع العلاج الدوائي على تنمية المهارات الاجتماعية ، و العلاج السلوكي و التأهيلى و الثقافي و الرياضي.


q      علاج و تأهيل اضطرابات الإدمان


عيادة خاصة ، و إقامة لعلاج و تأهيل مرضى الإدمان. برنامج خاص للعلاج و التأهيل تحت إشراف نخبة من الأطباء و الأخصائيين النفسيين، يتواكب مع الثقافة العربية و المصرية.


q      برنامج تقييم و تأهيل اضطرابات الطفل السلوكية و النفسية


عيادة خاصة لتشخيص و علاج و تأهيل الأطفال ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة وصعوبات التعلم والتوحد و ذوى الاضطرابات السلوكية. توعية للاكتشاف المبكر و علاج أمراض الطفل السلوكية و التعليمية و النفسية


q     عيادة خاصة و إقامة للأعراض و الشكاوى العضوية ذات الأسباب النفسية (اضطرابات الجسدنة):


تدل الأبحاث أن 40-60% من المترددين على الأطباء بكافة تخصصاتهم يعانون من الآم و شكاوى عضوية ليس لها أساسا في أجهزة الجسم.


q      عيادة خاصة و إقامة لمرضي اضطرابات النوم


علاج متخصص للأرق ، النوم الزائد ، اضطرابات برنامج النوم ، الفزع الليلي، حركات الأرجل المرضية و غيرها.


q      عيادة خاصة و إقامة لاضطرابات الطعام:


انتشرت أخيراً أعراض فقد الشهية العصبي و الشره العصبي و الذي يحتاج لعلاج متخصص.


q      عيادة لعلاج اضطرابات الإنسان المستنفذ


إن إحدى السمات المميزة للإنسان المعاصر هي الإجهاد و الإعياء الذهني سواء في العمل أو المنزل. و يظهر في صورة ضعف التركيز و التبلد العاطفي و الأرق و العصبية الشديدة.


q      علاج الحالات الحادة و الحديثة من اضطرابات الطب النفسي


أحدث وسائل العلاج النفسي، و الجماعي، و السلوكي، و التأهيلى، و الدوائي و جلسات التقويم النفسي بالأجهزة الخاصة بذلك 

المنتجع الصحي للطب النفسي

أ.د. أحمد عكاشه

متفرع من محور أنور السادات

منطقة البنفسج 2

خلف أكاديمية مبارك للأمن , التجمع الأول

القاهرة الجديدة , مصر

أحدث وسائل العلاج النفسي، و الجماعي، و السلوكي، و التأهيلى، و الدوائي و جلسات التقويم النفسي بالأجهزة الخاصة بذلك 


      q  الـعـنــوان


المنتجع الصحي للطب النفسي

أ.د. أحمد عكاشه

متفرع من محور أنور السادات

منطقة البنفسج 2

خلف أكاديمية مبارك للأمن , التجمع الأول

القاهرة الجديدة , مصر




The Psychiatric Health Resort is located in New Cairo which is easily accessible from Maadi, Heliopolis, Cairo International Airport, Nasr City, Down Town and Mohandessein areas.

The experienced staff, comfortable facilities and individualized services provide a safe, therapeutic environment where those suffering from psychological problems can heal the body, mind and spirit in a peaceful and relaxing setting.

We encourage the guest’s family members to visit and explore the core issues, problems and realize their role in the recovery process of their loved ones.

Our Logo“ THOT “
is the ancient Egyptian god who civilized mankind, teaching them writing, medicine, music, civic and religious practice.
He is depicted as an ibis-headed man with long legs and a long beak. He was a symbol of wisdom and learning with his beak shaped like a pen. He is always carrying the ankh, “the symbol of life” (Key of life), and held a scepter, the symbol of power. On his head, an emerald, upon which was recorded all of philosophy.
The god Thot was adopted by Prof. Ahmed Okasha as the resort logo for what he represents in the world of arts, science and care for the overall health.

Our Mission “ Care, Science and Quality ”
is to promote Mental Health and provide state of the art management of psychiatric disorders.

A healthy psyche is the basis for a better quality of life and a patient with emotional and behavioural problems requires more care than physically ill patients, not only regarding medical treatment, but also in accommodation, nourishment, cultural and social rehabilitation in a caring environment.

Health is the total quality of the physical, psychological, social and spiritual life of an individual. Mental Health is the ability to work, love and interact within the society in an efficient, effective and satisfying manner.




As a unique and modern facility, the Psychiatric Health Resort is the leader in the Middle East and North Africa in providing psychiatric services. The main approach to the Resort was to avoid the stereotype hospital form of a multistory single building that contributed to the institutional character of health facilities. This attempt to reach a friendly residential atmosphere took into consideration the access to the building, sun orientation, relation to neighboring facilities to provide more views and retreat areas, decreasing the sensation of multiple floors by using leveled landscaping. This led to the following design;

1- A central Main building formed around a semi-enclosed courtyard which divides it into two linked structures

  • The Front building which has the entrance and reception on the double-height ground floor, Chairman's office on the mezzanine and a Luxury suite on the top floor

  • The Rear building which has the patient activity / dining hall on the ground floor, the management on the first, and the substance abuse unit on the top floor, isolated from other accommodation units serving different programs. In addition, two other buildings on either side of the main building provide in-patient accommodation. The kitchen, laundry, laboratory and pharmacy are located on the lower level and linked to the outpatient clinics.

2- Located to the left of the main building, facing north to take advantage of the view of the neighboring park, the double-loaded, patient accommodation Building 2 contains the larger adult male unit on the first two floors, the substance abuse unit on the top floor, besides the entrance to the out-patient clinic on part of the ground floor.

3- Linked to the right side of the main building to optimize the use of staircases and elevators, Patient accommodation Building I which is a linear, single-loaded building describing the main landscape area. It has the respite care unit on the ground floor and the adult female unit on the upper two floors.


q Our Services

- Inpatient Services

1. Management of acute psychiatric conditions:
State of the art therapies whether individual, group, cognitive, behavioral therapies, rehabilitation, drug treatment or brain synchronization treatment are available.

2. Inpatient facilities for chronic mental patients:
Treatment focused on the promotion of cognitive, behavioral, therapeutic, social skills and cultural rehabilitation.

3. Management and rehabilitation of addiction:
40% of patients with substance abuse problems have an associated psychiatric or physical disorder. A special outpatient clinic as well as an inpatient treatment facility and rehabilitation are available. Special programs for the management and rehabilitation of patients modified and adapted for cultural and religious aspects.

4. Management of memory impairment in the elderly:
Age related cognitive deficit is a common phenomenon. Elderly people are vulnerable to depression, delusions, delirium and dementia. A special clinic is available for the assessment and treatment of memory disturbance in the elderly. Specific accommodation for elderly patients with neuro-psychiatric problems is available.


 - Outpatient Services

1. Clinic for sleep disorders:
A special clinic for sleep disorders such as insomnia, somnolence, night terrors, and restless leg syndrome is available.

2. Special clinic for unexplained somatic symptoms:
40-60% of patients attending general practitioners clinics are suffering from physical symptoms and painful conditions secondary to an emotional or a psychological problem. They are often diagnosed after a series of costly investigations and consultations.

3. Special clinic for “burnt out syndrome":
Those who are physically and mentally fatigued, lacking concentration, with insomnia, irritability, decreased productivity and innovation without a manifest psychiatric disorder, but as a reaction to the ever growing stresses of everyday life.

4. Clinic for education of patient’s families:
It has been proven that we can reduce relapses of patients by over 60% with proper awareness of the patient and his/her family about their illness.

5. Clinic for assesment of neuro psychological disorders.

6. Clinic for cognitive behaviour therapy for various psychiatric disorders.


- Others Services

1. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology Unit:
Management and rehabilitation of childhood disorders: Children displaying disturbed behaviors or mental health problems often require more specialized services, as 20% of all children have some form of psychological problem, 5% of these children have serious problems. The clinic offers assessment and diagnosis for a number of disorders including Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Mental Challenge, Mood Disorders and Conduct Disorders. A multidisciplinary team offers a number of tailored management services.

2. School consultations and training of teachers:
Our team is working with a number of schools on promoting mental health and the early detection of any psychological or psychiatric disturbances in school aged children. We offer seminars and training workshops for teachers, parents and administrators of schools. We also hold awareness meetings for students tackling different topics of interest.

q Address:

Psychiatric Health Resort
Prof. Ahmed Okasha
Off Mehwar Anwar El Sadaat,
El Banafsig 2 District,
Behind Mubarak Police Academy, First Community,
New Cairo , Egypt.


Tel: 9200 900 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Fax: 9200 907/8

Mobiles: 2010-2406998/9

Document Code PH.0002

المنتجع الصحي للطب النفسي

ترميز المستند PH.0002


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